
Generating random numbers using built-in system tasks

SystemVerilog, a superset of Verilog, provides a rich set of randomization methods, perfect for constructing a variety of test cases in verification environments. Among these, $random, $urandom, and $urandom_range are commonly used functions. This post will delve into their functionalities, differences, and best practices for their use.



  • $random is a system function inherited from Verilog.

  • Returns a 32-bit random integer, which means it can yield a positive, negative, or zero value.


int rand_val;
initial begin
    rand_val = $random;
    $display("Random Value: %0d", rand_val);


While $random is quick and simple to use, its predictability (due to a fixed seed) can sometimes be a downside in verification scenarios where varied patterns are sought after.



  • $urandom is a SystemVerilog-enhanced version, giving a 32-bit unsigned random integer.

  • More suitable than $random when negative values aren't desired.


int rand_val;
initial begin
    rand_val = $urandom;
    $display("Random Value: %0d", rand_val);


It's particularly useful in verification when working with scenarios that require only non-negative values like memory addresses or array indices.



  • An extension of $urandom, this function allows the user to specify a range within which the random number should fall.

  • It returns an unsigned random integer between the given range, inclusive.


int rand_val;
initial begin
    rand_val = $urandom_range(1, 10); // Returns a value between 1 to 10, inclusive.
    $display("Random Value between 1 to 10: %0d", rand_val);


This function is exceptionally versatile for verification engineers, especially when testing edge cases. For instance, when testing FIFOs, $urandom_range(1, FIFO_DEPTH-1) can be used to randomize the number of items pushed or popped, ensuring the values stay within valid boundaries.


While all three functions offer randomness, their distinct characteristics cater to different needs:

  • $random: Quick, simple, but can be negative.

  • $urandom: Always non-negative, suitable for addresses or indices.

  • $urandom_range: Customizable range, perfect for edge cases or bounded randomness.

For a verification engineer, understanding and adeptly using these functions can make testbench writing more efficient and effective, ensuring a robust verification environment. Always remember to use the right randomization tool for the job!

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